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If you'd like to help your local environment, why not join our enthusiastic team of volunteers?


We run regular work parties at our nature reserves and sometimes at other places in the Wychwood Forest area. 


Wigwell, Charlbury: 2nd Wednesday of each month, 10am–12.30pm


Gibbets Close, Witney: 3rd Tuesday of each month, 10am - 12.30pm


Foxburrow Wood, Hailey: last Thursday of each month, 10am–12.30pm


We also offer volunteering opportunities with our specialist flora, dry stone walling, and hedgelaying groups. 


Please note: if you are considering joining one of our regular work parties for the first time, it is always a good idea to give Toby a ring on 07561 639094 to check whether it is going ahead. For example, there will be no volunteer work parties between 3rd - 17th September 2024 as Toby is away on leave. 

New hedge Southdown Farm.JPG



Our hedgelayers meet regularly in the hedgelaying season to restore and create traditional hedges in the Wychwood area. 


Flower Wigwell Charlbury N Mottram.JPG



Formerly the Cotswold Rare Plants Group, our Flora Group monitors and protects the rare plants of West Oxfordshire. They're always keen to welcome new members.

Ascott under Wychwood, stonewalling, July 2016 c unknown (10).JPG



Our enthusiastic team of dry stone wallers meet every Monday and Tuesday to repair walls in the Wychwood area - weather permitting.

Email our Countryside and Reserves Manager Toby Swift for more information about our work parties and specialist interest groups:

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